Roman Sketches
Drawing in Rome
For a person who is addicted to drawing works of sculpture, it can be no surprise that the city of Rome is paradise. I live in New York, and frequently slake my thirst at the Met, or in various places around the city. But nothing approaches the wealth of possibilities available in the Eternal City. I had the good fortune to be invited to attend the American Academy in Rome as a Visiting Artist on three occasions between 2007 and 2012, supplemented by private trips there in other years. When first applying to the Academy, they required that you submit a proposed project. Later on I realized that other artists tended to create voluminous folders describing their intentions. I did send them some of my drawings, but in describing my project, I simply wrote “to draw Bernini’s.” After my first admission, in later attempts to return, I modified my project outline by simply saying “to draw sculpture.” The obvious reason: where else can you find such a huge selection of masterpieces by such a huge selection of sculptors?
At left, drawing in Piazza Navona. At right, in Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.
Rio Danube

Erma del Giardino

Flora: Allegorical Statue of Summer

Rio Ganges

Rio Della Platta

Fontano del Moro

Fontana del Nettuno

Rio Nile

Putto Mounting a Fish

-Graphite, 16 x 12 inches. Sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Basilica di Santa Maria Sopra Minerva. Private collection.
Reconstructed Ancient Roman Torso
-Graphite, 16 x 12 inches. Sculptor unknown. Atrium of the American Academy in Rome. Private collection.
-Graphite, 16 x 12 inches. Sculptor unknown. Atrium of the American Academy in Rome.
Putto with Crown

Ancient Roman Foot
-Graphite, 12 x 16 inches. Sculptor unknown, Musei Capitolini.
Ratto di Proserpina


Weeping Putto

Angelo: In Flagella Paratus Sum

Face of a Putto
-Graphite, 16 x 12 inches. Sculptor unknown. Chiesa di San Pietro in Montorio.
Monster with Dolphins


Putto with Shield Bearing Rezzonico Family Crest

Angel with Robe: “Super Vestem Meam Miserunt Sortem”

Bust of Angelo Massina

Sea Diety and Creatures


Putto with Scroll


Angel with Curtain
-Graphite, 12 x 16 inches. Arrigo Garde, 1657-1659. Basilica di Santa Maria del Popolo.